Well Done

What is life to you?

The world is a scary place to be in sometimes. Persecution of the church. Fear of the unknown. Uncertainty of death. Decline in moral standards. Crushed dreams. Broken hearts. Lost souls.

So, we ask ourselves…what is life to me?

Processing Through Questions

If life was all you had—if it was birth to death and that was it—why would you live it? Why would you care?

If life was just the time when you had to find favor in the eyes of some unseen god to earn a place in an afterlife—how would you never lose hope? How would you know beyond a doubt that you had done enough?

Sometimes we ask questions not because we doubt the answers, but because we need to be reassured of them.

So, ask yourself…what is life to me?

Is it the point of both beginning and end? Or is it just a passage to the final destination?


Faith isn’t valued by life; it’s valued by life in the face of death. As Christians, we know that earth is not our home—heaven is.

This earth doesn’t give us comfort or value or purpose, so in the end, the only thing this life gives us is opportunity.

The opportunity to share the story of His forgiveness with everyone we meet.

The opportunity to radiate His love through our lives.

The opportunity to give our Savior everything.

I don’t know about you, but I want to make the best of that opportunity.

And that won’t be easy.

Thomas Edison once quoted, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Finding The Answer

If it’s so hard then what’s the point?

You will have to find out the answer to that question yourselves. I am just a teenage girl living in a broken world…I can’t answer everything.

But I do know my answer to that question.

I know that one day I will stand before my King. And that one day He will collect all the broken pieces of my life into one lonely pile and slowly pick out the few moments lived for Him. I know that many pieces will be left behind. Wasted pieces, wasted moments of life, wasted opportunity.

All the opportunity, the life He gave me to live—I gave Him some of it, but I didn’t give Him everything.

That is why I long to give every moment, every bit of strength I have. I am flawed. I have failed and will continue to fail.

But my heart aches to hear the words “well done, my good and faithful servant.”

That is the theme I want for my life.

That is the legacy I want to leave behind.

Because that is what life means to me. It means living every moment, taking every opportunity, and remembering those words. Waiting for those words. Hoping for those words.

So, what does life mean to you?


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By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


  1. To me it means seeking Him first, through all the hard times, and then sharing of this opportunity I have and this light so others can have it too!❤️

  2. Ah friend… <3 This is my desire. He is worth it. A hundred, thousand times. But I need Him so badly to help me let Him make this my reality.

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