Inside the Life of a Restricted Missionary

For today’s article I interviewed Timothy and Sarah, two close friends of mine serving as missionaries in a restricted country. Before we get started I want to allow them to introduce themselves to you.

Timothy: Bonjour! My name is Timothy and I am a follower of Jesus, living in a restricted country as a missionary. I enjoy reading, singing, writing, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with my family. I’m also a huge Star Wars and superhero nerd.

Lord willing, in the future, I’d like to either become a Pastor, writer, or a translator of Bibles. I want to see the good news spread where I live, and I hope to do that by learning the heart language of the locals and building strong relationships with them.

Sarah: Bonjour!! Je m’appelle Sarah! I’m a normal person, like everyone else, and I’m currently following Jesus in a restricted country as a missionary. I enjoy lots of things, but my all-time favorites are, baking, roller-skating, doing art, playing my drum, and listening to music! I’m a Star Wars/ Drama movies nerd. I love spending time with my bro, my family, and, of course, my dog! Lord willing in the future, I would love to start a bakery in our country, an orphanage (I love children) or just leave the doors open for God to decide. I want to see the Good News spread to every tribe and tongue, and definitely where I live, through learning the language, speaking with Children, and simply building relationships.

1. How old are you?

Timothy: I am 16

Sarah: I am 15

2. Why do you follow Jesus?

Timothy: I follow Him, because He’s worth knowing. Not just to hitch a ride to a paradise after death, but to really know Him brings me joy. He is my Father who sent His Son to die for me, why would I not want to know Him? Also, I can’t let an entire country go to a lost eternity without knowing Him too.

Sarah: He’s everything. He doesn’t promise an easy life, but He does promise to be right with us and never forsake us. He guides us, loves us, and, most of all, wants to have a relationship with us. That’s why the world must know.

3. How has living overseas and missionary life impacted and influenced you?

Timothy: One way living overseas has influenced me is my perspective of the world. There are so many different cultures! There isn’t a culture that’s perfect. They all have good things and bad things. What I’m saying is that I’ve grown to love experiencing different ways of life.

Sarah: It showed me that every place has its own culture; the way of doing things, the way people act…it’s life-changing. 

4. What are things we take for granted in the western world or that we might be shocked to hear are different?

Timothy: Driving is insanely different here. People dive to fill up space, meaning that roads really have no purpose here other than to guide cars through the city. Neighborhoods are sandy and bumpy. Packages and mail do not get in or out of the city, therefore, mailboxes don’t exist.

Sarah: I feel sometimes we don’t realize how great other places can be. I think Americans might be shocked to hear that those we are serving can be so nice and loving. Also just building relationships. I thought it was going to be easy, like in America. But I was wrong; it’s much different. 

5. What is a common misconception about missions? 

Timothy: People have an image of us standing on street corners proclaiming the good news. This is true, it just looks more like having coffee with a local, sharing about the good news and building a relationship with that person. Also, we are completely normal human beings, we are not Saints.

Sarah: That we are perfect or that we communicate better with God than others. Many people think we are closer to God, but we aren’t. We are just like every other person; we’re human. 

6. What is the hardest part about being a missionary?

Timothy: The hardest part about being a missionary is no longer being involved with the lives of my family back at home. The world goes on, that’s life. Also, stress. Here where we live, any sort of anxiety or struggle can be emotionally multiplied to be more than it used to be. This can cause stress sometimes, just the culture and way of life can cause stress. With that said, God does give a sense of peace in my heart. Where I live is my home, and I love it here. If God didn’t help His children adapt to new places, how would anyone be able to serve Him?

Sarah: It can be many things, but, for someone my age, it would probably be missing friends and family. Also, stress. I mean, I knew it would happen, but didn’t realize how bad it can be. I get horrible stomach pain from it. I wasn’t expecting it, but God is good.

7. What are some specific challenges of sharing the Gospel where you are?

Timothy: Well, one problem is the fact that most of the poor and local kids don’t speak French, but the local dialect. However, we’re in the process of learning that dialect.

Sarah: First, it is illegal to share the gospel in this country. And because of that it is often very hard for the natives to accept it. Some have heard it, but are too scared; I don’t blame them. But that’s definitely one of the hardest things.

8. What security precautions do you have to take? 

Timothy: For security reasons we can’t say certain words that involve our ministry, but other than that, we can’t proclaim the gospel or have church publicly. We must do this privately.

Sarah: Lots, haha. We have to use code words for certain things, I can’t go out (in town) alone, just little things like that.

9. Are you ever afraid and (if so) how do you overcome that fear?

Timothy: I recently developed an irrational fear of waves, because I’ve hadn’t had the best experiences with the ocean…but, I try to trust God, be careful, and maybe avoid the ocean altogether…

Sarah: Yes, of course. More worry than fear, but it’s there. I pray I overcome it with God’s strength, not my strength…only His. Without Him I wouldn’t be here.

10. What are some ways God has strengthened you when you are discouraged or when things seem to be going wrong?

Timothy: A good reminder for when I get discouraged is that God is the one doing the work, I’m just the instrument in His ultimate plan of advancing his kingdom. Yes, I share the good news, but He is the one who reaches the lost. And when I feel like things are not going entirely according to my expectations, I remind myself that I’m not in control of what happens here, God is. Expectations can crumble, especially here. When a day seems to not go smoothly, I remind myself of the joy that’s in Christ, the good news, eternal life, and His promises.

Sarah: Sometimes it’s as simple as just remembering that God moves in people’s hearts. I can’t change them, all I can do is pray, pray, pray. Also, my family always knows what’s on my heart and encourages me. I’m very thankful for them! 

11. Is there a specific verse/song/person etc. that has helped encourage and uplift you in hard times?

Timothy: My family and friends have been an encouragement to me throughout every trial I’ve encountered. My international church community has encouraged me as well. “Though You Slay Me” and “His Mercy Is More” by Shane and Shane have encouraged me. Finally, Psalms 34 and 42 have been an encouragement to me also.

Sarah: For me, a few people. My family, my bro, and, of course, Rue! I couldn’t ask for better people in my life.

12. What does your family do to grow closer to God and each other?

Timothy: In all honesty, I grow closer to my family (and God too) by just spending quality time with them! We need each other in everything we do.

Sarah: We have a “family day” on Wednesday. We grow together in prayer, play games, sometimes watch a movie…things like that.

13. How is God working where you are?

Timothy: God is working through the ministries of the believers at our church, through our relationships we have with locals, and through our weekly English conversations club we have with locals.

Sarah: He’s moving, planting seeds, touching people’s hearts. It’s wonderful to see; all I can do is continue praying.

14. What is one piece of advice you’d give to people considering overseas missions?

Timothy: One piece of advice I can give is to never isolate yourself. Make friends of all ages. Community is important, because it’s in a community we not only have fellowship, but encouragement, accountability, advice, guidance, comfort, and more.

Sarah: A couple of things. First, have good, godly people around you that can be your rock and encouragement. Second, try to have a mindset that knows everyone is different and the culture will not line up with the American perspective. Third, look to Jesus, pray, make sure this is what God wants for your life. Don’t try to convert people on your own. Build relationships, plant the seed, then let God make it bloom.

19. How can we help support and encourage you?

Timothy: Y’all can pray! Prayer is a powerful weapon that is often underestimated. 

Sarah: Of course, prayer. Also, by reminding us that you are with us hand-in-hand. That is very encouraging!

20. How can we pray for you?

Timothy: Pray for the people here, pray that for my family and I, we would continue to build relationships with locals and believers, pray that our current relationships would continue to grow, pray that we may have the determination to learn the local dialect, and definitely pray that opportunities to share the good news would continue to be presented to us.

Sarah: For me to continue speaking French, look to Jesus when I’m stressed or overwhelmed, and to never forget that He is in control!

By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


      1. Enjoyed reading this. It is such a different experience Living the life I once only heard about from others. My mindset about some things has definately changed. Thank you for your insights.

  1. This is stunning! Something that Timothy said really struck me.
    “Why do you follow Him?
    ‘I follow Him, because He is worth knowing.'”

    Thank you all for this!! ❤

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