Identity: Part 2

The world we live in will fill you with lies that question your value and purpose. The simple truth is this: you will never be “enough” for this world.
But how does our Creator view us?

Identity: Part 1

We have all asked that dreaded question: who am I? But how many of us have found the answers? And what if we’re viewing it in a light that is completely inaccurate?

Tuning Out the Storms

Sometimes we get so busy chasing down the storms in life that we forget to seek God’s voice. It’s easy to remember the big things God does, but often we forget that He is also a serene and quiet God. A God of peace.

Well Done

What is life to you? That is a question we all must find an answer to. Our answers will vary, but as believers, we have one hope, one purpose, and one goal.

Categorized as Blog Tagged

Why Does Life Hurt?

Why does life hurt? Have you ever asked that question? I have. Why do we have to feel pain and anger and regret?
The answers don’t have to be unclear…sometimes it just takes a little effort, discussion, and processing.

Faith is Terrifying

Faith seemed so simple when we were young. As we get older we begin to understand the depth to little word. Because if it’s real, it’s not just a little word anymore–it’s a lifestyle.

Where is God When Life is Tough?

It is impossible to live a life void of suffering or trials. We are fated from the day we are born to struggle with some unknown thing in some unknown future.
Where is God in those moments?
Join me in discussing God’s presence and promise in those trying times.