Your Calling: Right Here, Right Now

A topic I come across regularly in conversations with fellow teenage and young adult Christians is the question of: what is my calling in life? We have all heard the stories of missionary doctors knowing they would go to the field from the age of twelve, little boys wanting to grow up to be pastors, and little girls waiting till they’re old enough to pack their bags and live in rural jungles working at orphanages or among tribes. People who knew their “calling” from a young age. These stories intrigue us and make us want to play a part in the lovely growth of the church that is unfolding before our eyes. We want to make a difference.

But how?

We linger on the idea of a calling. Let’s face it: we would all absolutely love a sign on our front door with all the plans for the next year written out and signed by God with a little heart. Wouldn’t that be lovely? But it doesn’t quite work like that.

How do we know what our calling is? How can we better sense the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives? And for those of us who are still waiting for direction from God…what do we do in the meantime?

How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

I think we have come to romanticize the idea of a “calling.” We want clear directions spelled out in the sky when, sometimes, God is simply asking us to trust Him. He will open doors in His timing, and He has given us strategic and analytical minds to be able to determine where we can best be used for His glory through prayer, guidance, and convictions.

1.The first step to knowing what God has for you is simply being willing to follow Him.

If we are subconsciously tuning out His voice because the words are not what we want to hear, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to willingly see His beautiful plan for our lives unfold. There are many times in the Bible where God approached someone, and they responded with the words “here I am.” Take Moses for example, when at the burning bush or the prophet Samuel as a little boy. Neither knew what would be spoken to them, they simply responded to the call.

Is your heart ready to follow Him?

2.What are your spiritual gifts?

Paul mentions spiritual gifts several times in the New Testament – take 1 Corinthians 12, for example. In the first verses we read about spiritual gifts, and in the following we read about the unity of the body of Christ. God has gifted each of us so that we might work together in love for the growth of the church. Be aware of ministry opportunities and opened doors for you to be using your gifts for His glory right where you are.

3.Seek guidance from fellow believers.

Ask for prayer and advice from the mature believers around you. We are not meant to work alone in this journey – it’s okay to seek guidance! I know sometimes it can be hard to swallow pride and approach someone in a humble manner, but there are Christians who have been where you are and just might have lovely encouragement and advice for you to hear!

Don’t Forget Your Ultimate Calling…

I want to go back to a previous point for a minute and talk about the words here I am; they require commitment, confidence, and perseverance. They stand firmly in the truth of God’s love for us and purpose for our lives. When we say the words “here I am” we are opening our hearts to the calling Yahweh has already placed on us and that is to let the whole world know.

My friend, do not wait around for a specific location, profession, and people before you start serving your Savior and King! You have been called to be a light in a dark world. Start right where you are, right now! You are to be an ambassador of Christ, to love the broken, care for the hurting, and remind the despairing of hope. That is your ultimate calling.

How Can We Better Sense the Holy Spirit’s Guidance in our Lives?

I have heard it asked so many times, by so many believers in Christ, how to know when God is answering a prayer. Is it a deep feeling? Does it come as a clear sign or event in one’s life? As we grow in our relationship with Christ we will begin to better sense the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives and recognize God’s voice. This is not a literal voice that’s speaking to us from a megaphone in the sky, it is God communicating with us through the Holy Spirit who convicts us of how we must obey, love, and serve our Father.

A friend and I were recently discussing prayer and how, oftentimes, we pray for patience in the waiting, strength to endure, or grace in the hard times. When, really, we could be directly praying for answers, healing, and relief! We seem so hesitant to be direct with our God which is truly sad. When we avoid honestly and openly discussing our lives with Him, though He already knows every little thing, we are denying ourselves the privilege of growing and strengthening our relationship with Him in a deeper, more intimate way.

He sees you, friend, and He cares. He really does. So don’t hide your requests from Him. It’s okay to be direct in your prayers. Ask Him for what you need, pray for answers and healing. If you are searching for guidance – pray for it! It is folly to wait for Him to answer a prayer we have not yet prayed.

So, in answer to the original question: prepare your heart for whatever He has for you, grow closer to Him through meditation and prayer, communicate with your Father on an intimate level, and look for doors He has already opened!

What Should I Do While Waiting for Answers?

If the next few years look uncertain for you – I understand, mine look a little confusing too. And that’s okay. We don’t have to know all the answers today; though, our human hearts do like the idea of having a clear plan, eyy?

But here’s the basic truth: you’ve already been called. God hears your prayers, and He has a beautiful future for you; in the meantime, keep sowing seeds! I will delve more into this topic in the next blogpost, but for now, remember you are the salt of the earth. If you spend your life waiting for a dreamlike moment, where everything suddenly is clear to you, before you commit to fully serving Him, you never will. You don’t have to move overseas or work in a church or serve in a specific ministry. Just live for Him right where you are.

While you’re waiting on the answers to the question “what is my calling” – know that part of His response will be “right here, right now.” Because that is the simple truth, my friend. He has called you to serve Him right here, right now.

Are you ready to set aside the dreams of a calling you may have expected – or maybe even the future calling He has for you – and fully embrace the one He has for you in this moment? Are you ready to say, okay, Lord…I’ll serve you right here, right now.

Because this breath matters, friend.

Every breath counts.

By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


  1. This is so beautiful! Even though I’m an old lady, 😉 I love reading your posts! They are always so on point and applicable for any age! Miss you guys a bunch!!!! ❤️

    1. Aw, hello, Mrs. Traci! Eyy, you are not that old – besides, Proverbs 16:31 says “grey hair is a crown of glory…”😉💛 Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! We miss you too!

  2. That was beautiful girlie!!!!! It’s hard as even Mks when people ask what is our calling it’s hard to answer, but our ultimate calling is the gospel!! Thank u girlie! Miss ya!

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