Embracing Your Calling of “Right Here, Right Now”

In the last article I discussed our calling as Christians, recognizing that we are ultimately commanded to serve Him the best we can wherever we are. No matter your stage of life, surrounding community, or skills – God wants your best right here, right now.

What does that look like in everyday life? Today I’m sharing my thoughts on different roles you and I are called to play in seemingly mundane ways. No matter how small or silly something may sound, remember that you are His and He has placed you where you are a for a purpose.

Respect Your Parents

Whether you are twelve-years-old or thirty-eight, you are called to obey and respect your parents. Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, Obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise––” Note that it doesn’t say “agree with everything your parents say” or “always assume your parents are correct.” See, we are commanded to respect our parents simply because it is right.

I can assure you that my parents and I do not always agree. And honestly? I’m not always as respectful as I should be, either. But that is a role that you and I have been called to play. To honor and respect our parents. This is great practice for humility and knowing one’s place.

For teens, it can be hard to know your place in a family setting. You’re growing up, but you’re still young whether you like it or not. God never commanded us to find happiness in being respectful…but we are to obey with joy. Remember, happiness is a feeling, joy is a choice. So I challenge you (and myself as well) to respect, honor, and obey your parents in the Lord with joy. That is part of our role right here, right now. It might seem small but put enough effort into it and you’ll realize it is harder than it sounds. 

Aim to be a Godly, Loving Role Model to Your Siblings

If you have siblings, remember that you are called to be an example of light to the whole world – your family members included! It doesn’t matter where you are in the line, whether oldest, youngest, or sandwiched somewhere in the middle, you are an important person in their lives and you have a big role to play in how they view the world and Jesus! Show them His love. It’s incredibly easy to be impatient with our siblings and to take out the day’s frustrations on them, but is it worth it in the long run? I’m certainly guilty of this myself, so know that I’m not judging anyone, merely acknowledging that it is something we could all work on.

When your siblings grow up…what will they remember?

Get Involved in Your Church

I cannot speak much on this one because, as missionaries in West Africa, my family visits several village churches a year and we are not often in one place very long. Because of this, and cultural differences, I have not been as connected to, or involved in, a church in the ways I would encourage others to be. Therefore, for the sake of not pointing fingers when I am in a bit of the same situation myself, I will be brief on this subject for now.

If you are a believer in Christ and have a home church that you visit regularly, you are a part of both the universal church and the local church. Perhaps I will discuss the differences more in a later post, but for now I’ll leave it at this: the universal church is the global body of believers united in Christ; the local church is a local body of believers who worship and grow together. One of the most wonderful things you can do for both the universal and local church is pray. Pray for the leaders to have wisdom and guidance, pray for the body to be working together in love, pray for those around to see the difference in the lives of those in the church and for their hearts to be touched by Him. Let me remind you, friend: your prayers matter.

God hears you. He’s listening.

Don’t demean prayer; it is immensely powerful.

I encourage you to see what other ways you could be ministering to, and in, your church! Write a letter of encouragement to the pastor(s) and staff, see if you can help in children’s ministries, encourage the believers around you…care for your church right here, right now.

Serve Your Community

As with the previous point, this is something I could certainly be working on more as well. God has placed you where you are for a reason. He made no mistake in allowing you to be born in that specific country, city, neighborhood. He will use you to make a difference if you are willing, friend. Maybe not in the way you expect or desire––and maybe not soon––but He won’t turn away a heart burdened for those who are lost.

Your community is your mission-field.

So be kind! Show love! Speak truth! Your actions matter. Your life matters. You matter. Not because of who you are but because of the God you serve. The God that desperately wants this generation to know Him.

Bloom Where You Are Planted, Right Here, Right Now

I know it is quite easy for our schedules to turn into habits and our habits to turn into boring norms that don’t seem too exciting or purposeful. But don’t give up on the here and now. Because by doing that who knows what other opportunities you could be giving up on as well? Who knows what lives might be touched, mindsets changed, and hurt mended?

Follow Jesus right here; be a light in a dark world right now.

Because He’ll use you friend.

Are you ready?

By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


  1. Ahh, this is such a good reminder. I especially needed to hear the first point about respecting your parents, and doing it with joy. What would you say is the difference between joy and happiness? I have some ideas, but would like to hear your perspective.

    1. Hi Emma! Thank you; I’m so glad it was a good reminder for you! 💛 Like I said in the post, I would say happiness is a feeling and joy is a choice. Both are good! But joy is harder because it takes choosing to be thankful for the little blessings in the tough moments, and having a humble and respectful attitude even when you don’t feel like. For example, you can be obedient without be joyful. That could look like someone obeying their mom by cleaning their room but sighing and mumbling under their breath the whole time.
      I’d love to hear your thoughts on it too!

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