This Is Our Cry, Please Heal Our Broken World

Sometimes the world I live in feels so hopeless, so broken beyond repair, that I just want to curl up in a corner and cry at the tragedy of it all. But tears can’t heal a thousand wounds. The truth is that this earth is a heartbreaking place to live in. People are evil, darkness is vast, and nations are tumbling in the chaotic tangle of beliefs we have come to know as “diversity.”

And it’s a mess.

But when all we see is worthless, invaluable, and hopelessly broken, Yahweh is still looking compassionately upon His lost sheep whispering “I love you. I’m still fighting for you. I’m not finished yet.”

And friends? We need to be praying. We need to be desperately and sincerely praying for the lost and hurting souls around the world. Because they matter to Him.

Pray that He would heal our broken world…and trust that He hears every broken prayer.

Please Heal Our Broken World’s Understanding of Truth

In many Western countries especially, truth has been devalued and deemed impossible to attain. Though truth is objective, being that which corresponds with reality, those in such cultures are tossed in a whirlwind of voices claiming to know truth. Disheartening ideologies regarding truth, like the perspective that truth is directly connected to opinion or that which is politically and socially correct, are feeding into the common contrast of my truth/your truth. Here is the simple fact: truth is truth. It is not something dependent upon one’s possession or understanding of it.

On the flip side, many Eastern countries are despairing on an endless search of truth from dark and empty sources. Islam, especially, is the most rapid-growing religion and is quickly engulfing countries around the world. These dear Muslims are sincerely devoted to Allah, seeking to live a life that pleases him so that they might have a glimmer of hope of seeing paradise. But there are other dark religions and beliefs as well: Animists who live their lives literally worshipping Satan and his demons, Buddhists seeking to achieve “nothingness” and enlightenment.

It is a tragedy what our world has come to especially in its understanding of truth. Everywhere I look – whether in the busy, success-focused society of America, or the impoverished countries of Africa – I see a deep confusion. Hearts that have been lied to and deceived are now crying out in the night saying what is truth? And the greatest tragedy of all? We know truth. Why do we hoard it like a treasure we are unwilling to share? Friends, the world is asking a question that determines life or death!

Pray that God would heal our broken world so we might better understand truth…and that He would heal His broken followers’ passion and willingness to share it.

Please Heal Our Broken World’s Understanding of Identity

Have you ever known anyone to struggle with an eating disorder? My guess is you’ve known at least one person to. Probably more. How about anxiety or depression? Chances are you’ve probably struggled with some of these things yourself. What about suicide? Have you ever known anyone to commit, or consider, suicide? I dearly hope you can say no to all these questions but hopes only go so far.

The sad reality is that our world is drowning in an identity crisis. Please understand, I’m not aiming to solve your hurt or blame it on lack of faith. I do not believe that mental health is always related with lack of faith. What I do believe is that we live in a broken world where sin flourishes, engulfing us in an ugly and terrifying nature from our first breath and separating us from our pure and flawless Creator.

We weren’t created to live in this dark and sinful world. We were created to honor and glorify Him, to live in the most beautiful and pure relationship with Him. When we forget our identity in Him, we are overwhelmed by the false identities this world throws at us. Satan dearly wants us to believe that we are hopeless, unlovable, alone, and forgotten. But is that true?

Most of us have heard the verse John 3:16 from a young age. It says, “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” This verse alone proves we do have hope, we are loved, we are not alone, and we are not forgotten.

Pray that God would heal our broken world so that we might better understand identity…and that we would be living evidence of His love mending deep wounds.

Please Heal Our Broken World’s Understanding of You

I have lived in three different continents over the past years and the following reality remains consistent in all of them: the world does not understand Who God is.

We have messed up, friends. We have not done our job well. As His children, His followers, the ones who find their identity in Him alone, we are called to let the whole world know! To speak truth as loudly, as boldly, as frequently as we can. At every opportunity we should be burdened to share His love with His lost sheep. We should be aiming to clearly and openly express our faith so that they might know Him.

But we are slackers.

We are still human. We are just as stubborn-headed, messed-up, and hurt-beyond-words as the rest of the world. The difference between us and the world, though, is Christ. And that’s the beauty in it all. Though we have not done our job well – and will never do it perfectly – He doesn’t need us. He desperately wants us along the journey, sharing His love, rejoicing in the truth, and proclaiming the good news…but He doesn’t need us.

If the world does not understand Who He is, it will be recklessly broken. Left in a mess of shards and abandoned pieces that don’t fit back together but with the loving, patient hand of a Savior. 

Pray that God would heal our broken world so that we might better understand Who He is…and that He would give us a burden and compassion to help others see.

Thank You For Hearing Our Cry: God’s Not Finished Yet

I hope you will be praying with me that God would heal our broken world; prayer is extremely important in our walk with Him. A friend once told me, “Prayer works a multitude of little miracles” and it’s true. We often undermine the power of prayer which is such a sad reality. Truthfully, prayer is a beautiful, breathtaking gift! How precious that we can talk with our Living God at any moment, for any reason. He is so good to us, and He cares.

Your prayers matter, my friend.

Because God’s not finished yet.

There is still hope. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” We can still hold to that faith and that confidence in Him. We can still cling to what we know is true, even in this messy, broken world, because we know that He is good, and He is not finished yet.

He is still fighting for His lost sheep, still loving them from afar. Because that is Who He is, friends. He is a God of love.

Pray that He would heal our broken world…and trust that He hears every broken prayer.

Works Cited

  1. Hackett, C., & Lipka, M. (2017, April 6). Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group. PewResearch. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from
  2. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Diversity. In dictionary. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from
  3. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Truth. In dictionary. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from
  4. Minner, R. (n.d.). The Problem with “That’s Your Truth.” TheRebelution. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


  1. Thank you for adding that He hears the *broken* prayers. Some days it’s very hard to feel as though He hears them. But a dad listens to their kiddo’s babbling, and God is the Ultimate Father. We just forget, and struggle.

    1. You worded that so beautifully, Rose 💛 It’s a wonderful truth to hold onto, that even when we make no sense, He is there and He is listening with care.

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