Treasures in the Lowly Places

The God of the Israelites’ wilderness is the same God of the Israelites’ parted sea. The God of David’s valley of the shadow of doubt is the same God of Calvary’s hill. He does not change that I might better see Him. My faith is strengthened that I might better seek Him. And in seeking Him I see Him.

Therefore, my soul cannot help but tell of the treasure in the lowly places. For He is working there.

And I don’t want to miss it.

Daring to Hope: Of Stars that Glisten in Broken Nights

We live in a world of broken nights. We live in a land of shattered hearts. Our lives are endless poems without rhymes; tapestries unraveling in a tangled storm.

But this is our hope, that one day Christ will return. And on that day all the praise will go to Jesus.

All the praise. . .to Him alone.

Disturb Us, Lord, to Strive for Your Glory

The world isn’t only changing through people with powerful voices and sharp minds. The world is changing by people, genuinely disturbed by the lack of hope and the world’s craving to be seen, known, and loved.

There is beauty in disturbance when it draws us nearer to God’s heart.

Praising in the Rain: Lessons in Remembrance

When the Israelites turned from God repeatedly, allowing their questions and doubts and confusion to overwhelm their wearied hearts, and when they so stubbornly and selfishly denied their Redeemer and Creator…still He remained faithful. And throughout all the prophets this theme continues, woven in an endless and beautiful depiction of God’s love despite our human inconsistencies and flaws. This theme to slow down…and remember.

Honest Things I Pray For Myself

From my experiences, the strongest Christian communities put a lot of emphasis on prayer; there are prayer gatherings, prayer lists, prayer lessons, etc. We learn how to care for others by bringing them to our Father in Heaven and seeking His guidance in hard situations in life.

But how often do we pray for ourselves?

For today’s post, I want to share with you the ways God has been teaching me to pray for myself. I hope you’ll join me in praying for your heart and life as well.

Choosing to be Thankful for Spiritual Growing Pains

Have you ever had a day or week where it feels like you can’t do anything right? I certainly have. In fact, the past couple have weeks have been full of my feeling like, no matter how hard I try, I keep making the same old mistakes over and over again. Sometimes I feel like… Continue reading Choosing to be Thankful for Spiritual Growing Pains

A Timeless Love Story: God’s Unthinkable Romance

Who could ever dream to hope of a God that seeks a filthy people who runs from Him, denies Him, betrays Him, and attacks Him? And yet the Creator of all mankind is, in an overwhelming love story, faithfully seeking His heart’s love…though we hide from His arms and faithlessly chase worldly pleasures and disgrace. How breathtaking. How beautiful.

How unthinkable.

Breathe, Little One: As Seasons Change, God Stays the Same

As a missionary I have come to realize that as seasons change, my heart grows weary. Why? Simple. I’m human…and humans don’t like uncertainties. We don’t like stepping out of our comfort zones or initiating something without knowing what the outcome will be. We’re scared. That’s the long and short of it. We’re scared that… Continue reading Breathe, Little One: As Seasons Change, God Stays the Same

This Is Our Cry, Please Heal Our Broken World

When all we see is worthless, invaluable, and hopelessly broken, Yahweh is still looking compassionately upon His lost sheep whispering “I love you. I’m still fighting for you. I’m not finished yet.”

And friends? We need to be praying. We need to be desperately and sincerely praying for the lost and hurting souls around the world. Because they matter to Him.