Fragrances of the Holy Sacrifice From a Worthy God

The wise men gave of themselves for Jesus. They gave of their time and lives – choosing a journey to an unknown destination. Am I willing to give all? To give gold as to a King? Myrrh as to His Mortal Heart? And Incense as to a Living God?

My heart still holds back in the still of this world’s echoing hesitations to surrender all. But in the deepest crevice of my soul, I am beckoned to give back to my fullest. I am beckoned to try.

And so, I will try.

Heart Connections in God’s Beautiful Family

I am thankful for the “heart connections” I have around the world simply by being a part of God’s family. The church is a precious gift to each of us as believers. It is a form of accountability and support as those striving for the same goal, this “upward call of our God in Christ Jesus.”

Lord, Help Me Love Anyway

What do I know of Calvary love? Oh, how precious little I know. What small and selfish lenses of love I am prone to see through!

I pray that He would teach me to love the way He does. Just as He sees my brokenness, my doubts, my messes…and loves anyway. Just as He knows I’ll be faithless a thousand times and more…and loves anyway.

Lord, help me love anyway.

The Dangers of Pride in Your Faith

When we take pride in ourselves – who have nothing truly worth priding over in comparison to the great God of heaven – we become blinded to God’s hand at work and create a barrier in our relationship with Him.

Be wary of the danger of pride in your faith.

A Timeless Love Story: God’s Unthinkable Romance

Who could ever dream to hope of a God that seeks a filthy people who runs from Him, denies Him, betrays Him, and attacks Him? And yet the Creator of all mankind is, in an overwhelming love story, faithfully seeking His heart’s love…though we hide from His arms and faithlessly chase worldly pleasures and disgrace. How breathtaking. How beautiful.

How unthinkable.