An Anthem of Surrender: Filled to Be Emptied

God’s blessing to us are the offerings of a sacred testimony – a fragrant sacrifice which declares the knowledge of Him to craving souls. Our response to these blessings reveals a great deal about our heart.

May my heart delight in rendering praise to His throne, from whence all blessings flow. May I know the utter Beauty of His testimony which He weaves into every gracious gift He bestows.

May my anthem be that I am filled to be emptied again.

Following the Shepherd Who Guides Unto the Death

As the first missionaries were sent unto the uttermost – as Jesus beckoned, “come and die” – He gave them a glimpse of hope. He gave them a comfort for the lonely nights on their long journeys. He gave them a reason to smile in the seasons of deepest despair.

From the first breath of their calling, Jesus directed them onward, upward.
He beckoned them “follow Me.” And in the weight of those words lies the beauty of a fleeting life redeemed with overflowing fullness.

Because we trust the Shepherd who guides us unto death.

Fragrances of the Holy Sacrifice From a Worthy God

The wise men gave of themselves for Jesus. They gave of their time and lives – choosing a journey to an unknown destination. Am I willing to give all? To give gold as to a King? Myrrh as to His Mortal Heart? And Incense as to a Living God?

My heart still holds back in the still of this world’s echoing hesitations to surrender all. But in the deepest crevice of my soul, I am beckoned to give back to my fullest. I am beckoned to try.

And so, I will try.