Following the Shepherd Who Guides Unto the Death

As the first missionaries were sent unto the uttermost – as Jesus beckoned, “come and die” – He gave them a glimpse of hope. He gave them a comfort for the lonely nights on their long journeys. He gave them a reason to smile in the seasons of deepest despair.

From the first breath of their calling, Jesus directed them onward, upward.
He beckoned them “follow Me.” And in the weight of those words lies the beauty of a fleeting life redeemed with overflowing fullness.

Because we trust the Shepherd who guides us unto death.

Disturb Us, Lord, to Strive for Your Glory

The world isn’t only changing through people with powerful voices and sharp minds. The world is changing by people, genuinely disturbed by the lack of hope and the world’s craving to be seen, known, and loved.

There is beauty in disturbance when it draws us nearer to God’s heart.

This Is Our Cry, Please Heal Our Broken World

When all we see is worthless, invaluable, and hopelessly broken, Yahweh is still looking compassionately upon His lost sheep whispering “I love you. I’m still fighting for you. I’m not finished yet.”

And friends? We need to be praying. We need to be desperately and sincerely praying for the lost and hurting souls around the world. Because they matter to Him.