My Heart is Not Lifted Up

Sometimes, we get so caught up in thinking about things – trying to rationalize why things happen, trying to pinpoint all the good things God is doing when life is complicated – when we really just need to lower our eyes, rest our heart.

Have you calmed and quieted your soul?

In this bleak midwinter, a take a moment to stop thinking…and to rest in the God who thinks of you.

Praising in the Rain: Lessons in Remembrance

When the Israelites turned from God repeatedly, allowing their questions and doubts and confusion to overwhelm their wearied hearts, and when they so stubbornly and selfishly denied their Redeemer and Creator…still He remained faithful. And throughout all the prophets this theme continues, woven in an endless and beautiful depiction of God’s love despite our human inconsistencies and flaws. This theme to slow down…and remember.

A Timeless Love Story: God’s Unthinkable Romance

Who could ever dream to hope of a God that seeks a filthy people who runs from Him, denies Him, betrays Him, and attacks Him? And yet the Creator of all mankind is, in an overwhelming love story, faithfully seeking His heart’s love…though we hide from His arms and faithlessly chase worldly pleasures and disgrace. How breathtaking. How beautiful.

How unthinkable.

Dear Christian Soldier, Have You Forgotten Spiritual Rest?

Several weeks ago, I had the wonderful opportunity of going to stay with a missionary teammate in an extremely Islamic village. The experience taught me so much about missions, God, people, the brokenness in our world,… and myself. And through all of that, the lesson that stuck out to me the most is this: I need spiritual rest. And so do you

This Is Our Cry, Please Heal Our Broken World

When all we see is worthless, invaluable, and hopelessly broken, Yahweh is still looking compassionately upon His lost sheep whispering “I love you. I’m still fighting for you. I’m not finished yet.”

And friends? We need to be praying. We need to be desperately and sincerely praying for the lost and hurting souls around the world. Because they matter to Him.