A Letter to the Weary One

Dear weary one,

Life is like a river.

Sometimes it’s calm, serene, beautiful. Sometimes it’s angry, choppy, powerful. And then sometimes…sometimes it’s confusing, unexpected. It comes with rushing falls that send chills up your arms and down your spine when you’re being tossed through the air; but looking back, they’re breathtakingly beautiful. And it comes with bends that you don’t always see coming, dams you can’t always get through, and currents you can’t always fight.

Life is like a river.

And you and I, we’re like autumn leaves that drift to the cool, swirling waves. We’re powerless against the gurgling water and the ripples that dance when raindrops fall. Sometimes we get wet. Really wet. And then we feel heavy. Because all of life is rushing around us and we can’t keep up. Then sometimes…sometimes we tear. And we can’t put ourselves back together on our own.

Life is like a river…and we’re like the leaves that try to keep up.

But we can’t.

Dear Weary One, Just Let Go

Weariness is a part of life; it comes and goes. I was texting a friend a while ago and she said, “Sometimes the world feels so heavy. I’d rather curl up with a book and tea on my living room couch than face a reality that makes my shoulders droop. It’s a crazy place out there.”

Sometimes the world feels heavy.

Does your world feel heavy, friends? Mine does sometimes. Sometimes the world feels like a backpack that has new books added to it every morning. There are some good books in there, but eventually they all add up. The truth is that the world is heavy.

Too heavy for us.

But here’s an enlightening fact: it’s not ours to hold.

“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble; but take heart! I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33

The world is in our Savior’s hands.

So, when He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28), He’s saying: child…trust me, and let go.

Just let go.

Dear Weary One, You Are Held

Life might seem crazy right now; the river may be dancing to a tune you can’t keep up with, or maybe you’re drifting along slowly, wishing things would speed up. No matter where you are on the ride in this wild, but lovely, river…you are held.

The King of Heaven is with you all the way.

He might not choose to hush the waters or blow you faster onward, but He will walk with you, talk with you, sit with you, love you all the way.

Go one step at a time…and know that you are held.

Dear Weary One, Think of Butterflies

When my little sister, Kenna, is upset or worked up I’ll tell her to take a few deep breaths. My family has done this with her since she was tiny, so she’s used to it, but sometimes if she’s really frustrated the breaths come out more like huffs and sighs of exasperation.

One evening, I was babysitting her and told her to take a deep breath and pretend she was breathing in butterflies. She huffed and I warned her she might tear their wings if she wasn’t careful. The dear girl loves animals, so she smiled a little and tried again, this time gently.

Butterflies also symbolize transformation and hope. As Christians we are able to “breathe more gently” with the peace of Yahweh…which we become more aware of when we recognize His love and put our hope and trust in Him.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” –1 Corinthians 5:17.

If Christ is your Savior, you are no longer of the world…so take a deep breath, friend. Butterflies in. Butterflies out. Blow gently. This life is just the journey to the doorstep of forever joy and peace.

Dear Weary One, You’re Not Alone

Yahweh will never leave you or forsake you. Keep your eyes on Him and He’ll walk with you through the storm. He’s not going to leave you when it gets hard. He’s going to stay right there beside you, even when no one else will.

And your brothers and sisters in Christ? They love you. Lean on those who know truth, so that when you fall, they’ll catch you and point you back to your firm foundation.

Look around and see the people that love you. Because there’s someone. There may not be a lot of people. Maybe not obvious or evident candidates. But someone. Someone cares.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a shoulder to cry on.

You’re not alone. 

Dear Weary One, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

It’s hard to say, “I’m not okay.” It’s hard to let go; to ask for help to carry the weight or a hand to hold when the current is strong.

But, dear weary one? It’s okay to not be okay.

If you’re overwhelmed, falling down, confused, and tired…it’s okay.

You aren’t perfect.

And that’s okay.

Put your trust in the God who is.

It’s okay not to be okay…just don’t stay there.

Dear Weary One, It Won’t Always Be This Confusing

One day you’ll look back and see all the bends and waterfalls that led to this moment. You may never know the why; you may never see the good in it. But it won’t always be this confusing. The weight won’t always be this heavy. You’ll still hit rough spots in life, we all do. But there’s sunshine somewhere out beyond those clouds.

 So dear weary one…

Just let go.

You’re held.

Think of butterflies.

You’re not alone.

It’s okay to not be okay.

It won’t always be this confusing.

Hang on, weary one.

Hang on.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” –Matthew 11:28-30

By Rue Arrow

Rue Arrow is soul-pondering, rain-dancing, dawn-seeking child of the Father with deep feeling and intrigue for both the blessings and the brokenness in this messy thing called life. Her desire is simply to honor Jesus, "counting everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:8). You can further journey with her in this endless pursuit of God's heart through her blog: This Messy Thing Called Life.


  1. Thanks, Rue. I appreciate your writing. You have prompted 2 thoughts:
    1. Galatians 6:5 word for burden is fortion. I use the illustration of a back pack. God puts into our backpack burden a certain number of people to see, words to say and things to do each day. If we faithfully do that with His strength of Phil 4:13 then at night we can sleep a Prov 3:24 “sweet sleep”. But if we do more than what God puts into our fortion backpack burden, we develop a Galatians 6:2 baros burden. This is an overburden that is not intended for just one person to carry. Notice the subject here is plural “bear ye…” This is the kind of burden we need to share with the church so a team of people can help.
    2. Thomas A. Harris wrote the book, “I’m OK, You’re OK”. I tell people there’s only 2 things wrong with his book. I’m not OK and you’re not OK. We all need Jesus and the power He provides to grow from Eph 4:14 to Eph 4:15. In v. 14 we are little children that need to grow up into Christ and learn to speak the truth in love (v.15). Otherwise, we will fall into the devastating addictive path of vv. 17-19, which ends with continual discontent (“a continual lust for more”).

  2. This was so encouraging! And beautifuly written. I love this blog ! Keep up the good work!!!❤️

  3. Ah, you wax poetic in this entry with a touch that I suspect every reader can relate to in some form or fashion. I know I do. Need to step aside a bit today simply to refresh and regroup. Thanks for this encouraging reminder.

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