Treasures in the Lowly Places

The God of the Israelites’ wilderness is the same God of the Israelites’ parted sea. The God of David’s valley of the shadow of doubt is the same God of Calvary’s hill. He does not change that I might better see Him. My faith is strengthened that I might better seek Him. And in seeking Him I see Him.

Therefore, my soul cannot help but tell of the treasure in the lowly places. For He is working there.

And I don’t want to miss it.

Honest Things I Pray For Myself

From my experiences, the strongest Christian communities put a lot of emphasis on prayer; there are prayer gatherings, prayer lists, prayer lessons, etc. We learn how to care for others by bringing them to our Father in Heaven and seeking His guidance in hard situations in life.

But how often do we pray for ourselves?

For today’s post, I want to share with you the ways God has been teaching me to pray for myself. I hope you’ll join me in praying for your heart and life as well.

Breathe, Little One: As Seasons Change, God Stays the Same

As a missionary I have come to realize that as seasons change, my heart grows weary. Why? Simple. I’m human…and humans don’t like uncertainties. We don’t like stepping out of our comfort zones or initiating something without knowing what the outcome will be. We’re scared. That’s the long and short of it. We’re scared that… Continue reading Breathe, Little One: As Seasons Change, God Stays the Same

Looking Forward: One Step at a Time

Looking forward can be scary. Especially for teenagers. There are ups and downs and turn-arounds and so many missing pieces to the puzzle that just keeps growing. But God already knows the plans He has for each and every one of us. If the road looks twisted—like a maze you’ll never find your way through—just close your eyes and take the hand that’s always there to lead you.