Sin is a tragedy. A terrible, heartbreaking tragedy. And it should disgust us. It should make us cry in passion and tremble in heartache.
Category: Blog
Valuable Lessons My Dad Taught Me About Following Jesus
My dad isn’t perfect. He’s made a lot of mistakes, and he’d tell you that. But he loves God. A lot. At the end of the day, we’re all imperfect humans held in the hands of a perfect God, and that is a wonderful truth. That we have done nothing, can’t do anything…and He chooses to love us like a father loves his child.
A Letter to the Weary One
Does your world feel heavy, friends? Mine does sometimes. Sometimes the world feels like a backpack that has new books added to it every morning. There are some good books in there, but eventually they all add up. The truth is that the world is heavy.
Too heavy for us.
But here’s an enlightening fact: it’s not ours to hold.
Keep Your Foundation Strong
As believers in Christ, Yahweh is our foundation. When we don’t nurture our relationship with Yahweh we’re ridding ourselves of the one thing keeping us on stable ground.
Testimony Challenge: Elle’s Story (Learning to Be Kind to Myself)
In today’s testimony challenge, Elle Ryann shares her story of learning to love who God created her to be. Through her testimony she reminds us of how our Creator sees us, rather than how we see ourselves.
Testimony Challenge: Chuck’s Story (My One and Only Need)
What is your one and only need? What do you most rely on, desire, and pursue? When you die, what will your testimony be: will you have sought after something worth seeking, or will your legacy be full of empty promises and worldly pleasures? In today’s testimony challenge, Chuck gives his answer to this question and shares the story of his walk with Christ.
Run your race well, friends.
Testimony Challenge: Rue M (God is Love)
In today’s testimony challenge Rue M (not to be confused with me, Rue Arrow) shares her struggles with identity, bullying, feeling like a “misfit” and how she, ultimately, found her belonging in Christ. To learn more about Rue M visit her blog:
Testimony Challenge: Eileen’s Story (How God Healed My Heart)
Today’s testimony challenge discusses grief, depression, anxiety, and God’s grace and love which are strong enough to heal our hurting hearts. If you’d like to find out more about Eileen check out her blog:
Testimony Challenge: My Story of Blessed Assurance
When you lose sight of the One thing holding you together, logically, everything else falls apart. What is a servant if they don’t have a master? What is a masterpiece if it doesn’t have a maker? In the same way, who are we if we forget our Creator? Today, my friends…I’m sharing my story.
Your Testimony Matters: A Challenge to Believers
As a follower of Christ, you are now living proof of Christ’s power and love. You have been sought by a grace and mercy that is beyond the comprehension of this world. You have been redeemed and made new in Christ.
Your testimony matters. It matters because there are billions of people that are still looking for truth.